Forensic Research
March 2016
Linked co-authored papers accepted for presentation at ANZFSS 2016.
2013 December
Sean attends the University of Lausanne to participate in a PhD jury.
2013 September
Sean Doyle accepts an invitation to be a member of a PhD jury of the University of Lausanne for a thesis on the use of IRMS in forensic science.
2013 September
Sean Doyle accepts an invitation to jointly edit a special edition of Science & Justice, the journal of the Forensic Science Society, in conjunction with the 5th FIRMS Conference
2013 May
Linked Forensic Consultants provides expertise in interpretation for a research project, the results of which have been submitted for publication with the title ‘The role of isotope ratio mass spectrometry as a tool for the comparison of physical evidence’.
2013 April
Sean Doyle accepts an invitation to supervise two research projects at Otago: a Master’s project studying the effects of explosive events on the isotopic signatures of human tissue and an undergraduate project studying the chemical profiling of energetic materials.
2011 March
Linked Forensic Consultants prepares a bid for the global forensic database project for submission to ENFSI board.
2011 March
Linked Forensic Consultants prepares, contributes to and delivers a submission to the UK Home Office review of forensic science research.
2010 December
Linked Forensic Consultants delivers generic proposal for the global forensic database project.